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Re: Speedvision Movie

To: "Michael Frank" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Speedvision Movie
From: "Ron Schonscheck" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Feb 2000 17:54:19 -0700
I really enjoyed the Lost Drive In movie this past Sat evening anybody else
watch it.  The California Kid?
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Frank" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 07, 2000 5:09 PM
Subject: RE: Speedvision Movie

> Shifting topics a bit. We just picked up a fun movie on video. It's the
> 1954 film, "The Fast and the Furious".
> The heroine, played by Dorthy Malone, is driving her XK120 in a race from
> California to Mexico. She crosses paths with an escaped convict played by
> John Ireland. He kidnaps her, and commandeers the car, joining the race in
> a bid to escape the cops by slipping across the border. Of course, they
> fall in love, he's innocent, and they have to prove that to the cops. Ok,
> not great theater, although a female race driver was a bit ahead of it's
> time. The race scenes are INCREDIBLE. There are XK120's, Jowett Jupiters,
> Nash Healeys, MG TC's, Ferraris, a cornucopia of early '50s sportscars. At
> one point, they attend a Vintage, vintage racing in 1954 is
> something to see.....Mercers, Stutz's, a Stanley Steamer...the race is won
> by "Benny's Maxwell"'d have to be of an age to understand the joke.
> The video is available from TVideo:
> It's worth the price of admission...
> Mike Frank
> New York

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