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Re: RE: Insurance ... How Much?

To: <>, <>,
Subject: Re: RE: Insurance ... How Much?
From: "Robert Alder" <>
Date: Fri, 4 Feb 2000 20:21:46 -0700
I've switched to Parish for both my race cars and a couple of garage queen
street cars.  They're great people and strong supporters of vintage racing.
They've been instrumental in providing vintage race clubs  with insurance
(via a VMC policy) that was MEASURABLY cheaper than what clubs were paying
before, thus they've helped clubs stay solvent and/or keep entry fees down.
They deserve your individual business if at all competitive, which they are.

----- Original Message ----- Will Parish sell x-border?? ... a for
> Parish?>>
>     I have the STP coverage (Storage/Transportation/Paddock) with Parrish
> valued my car at $15,000.00 replacement value.  I believe the cost is
> $275.00.  You can contact them at (800) 274-1804.
>     Doug Meis

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