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To: <>
Subject: aroma's
From: "Mordy Dunst" <>
Date: Thu, 27 Jan 2000 07:34:08 -0600
Some Years ago I studied sensory physiology while in graduate school.  It
continues to  intrigue me as how sensitive our "senses" are.  The fact is
that only one molecule of any substance can
trigger a "flash" of recalled perceived memory.  That this memory can be so
nearly crystal clear complete with sounds, lights, time and emotion makes
this -particular thread so worth while.  In my estimation an olfactory
"flash back" can be more vivid than any other.  ...Lysergic acid not nearly
as potent (only from second hand knowlege).

What I find about racing is that it stimulates so many of my senses...
visual, olfactory, auditory, vibratory, position Plus emotional
ggering    -All at the same time-  this gives an additive real "rush" that
is quite addicting (endorphin release...).

I also suspect that us racers are not in the same league with sensory
stimultion when compared to bungy jumpers or free-fall artists.

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