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Re: Lotus 61E/Halon

Subject: Re: Lotus 61E/Halon
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Tue, 28 Dec 1999 11:31:35 -0600
Halon is one of the chemicals supposedly causing the ozone layer hole. Another,
of course, is good old Freon, the stuff used in all auto air conditioners up
until a few years ago. As an aside, here's a story that I think is amusing and
hope you do too -- it concerns Freon rather than Halon.

I have a personal friend who purchased a BIG supply of cannisters of Freon right
before the date when its prohibition was going into effect, planning to play the
Freon "futures" game. He let it set in his garage for several years, and then
advertised it for sale at a price double what he had paid but still
substantially less than the current wholesale price to the air conditioning
shops, where it was still legal for replinishment in old systems. Well, the
inevitable happened -- a local shop saw the ad, and the next thing you know, a
representative from the EPA knocked on his door. My friend explained what he had
done, and since he owned the stuff for "personal" use, the law allowed that.
However, when parting, the EPA guy said, "What you are doing is legal to the
letter of the law, but not the spirit of the law. Therefore, brace yourself
because I'm turning you in to the IRS".

True story. wrote:

> In a message dated 12/27/99 11:07:38 PM Central Standard Time,
> writes:
> << Halon is not like hair spray.  I rarely use either one and, so far, never
> the
>  halon.  Are you kidding - the "hole in the ozone layer" is a giant farce.
> You
>  are kidding, okay, you got me.  I take this stuff too seriously.
>  If Australia is now civilized another bubble is burst.  I thought you would
> be
>  the last to go. >>
> Wonderful post.  Although our "civilized" federal government has banned
> certain types of Halon for public use (1211 I think), it recognizes the
> unequaled firefighting properties by continuing to use it in the on-board
> firefighting systems of its military jets.


uncle jack --
TR4 -- in surgery
TR6 -- recovering nicely

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