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vroom vroom

Subject: vroom vroom
From: Jack W Drews <>
Date: Wed, 13 Oct 1999 01:13:46 -0500
My middle daughter is a free lance editor for book authors. The quote
below is from a birthday note she recently sent to some family members.
I thought you might enjoy the quote, and I'm so proud I brought her up

"I must say, I am much more proud about the year of my birth than I once

For earlier this week, while looking up "URL," which by the way does not

appear in Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, Tenth Edition, I ran across
definition of the word "vroom." Not only is vroom surprisingly a verb
means to imitate the noise of an engine and to operate a motor vehicle
high speed or so as to create a great deal of engine noise (if you ask
they're missing the boat by not calling it a noun or one of those words
means you're making the sound of something--bang, zoom, clap), but vroom

originated in the year 1965--the same year as my birth! Who cares if
Sound of Music" won an Academy Award or that Britain adopted the metric
system that year. More phenomenally, vroom came into the lexicon of the
English language. And we all know that this is what helped Jim Clark win

Indy 500 at 150.7 mph in a Lotus.

Just thought you'd like to know . . .

Vroom. Vroom.


uncle jack
TR4 - 10 mpg
TR6 - 30 mpg
(they're right -- my mileage varies)

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