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Re: California races, 10/16 & 17

Subject: Re: California races, 10/16 & 17
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Mon, 04 Oct 1999 18:14:51 -0700
I'm confused. Is your trip to LA, or SF? Neither the CSRG or HMSA events
are anywhere near LA. Why is LA in the picture? Laguna Seca is maybe 2 
hours drive from SF. Thunderhill is maybe 4 from SF. Driving from SF to
LA is an ordeal of 8-10 hours. Absolutely, given a choice of destinations,
Monterey has more to offer than Willows. Other than the track, the only 2
things in Willows worth mentioning are the Wal-Mart and the bar at the
Golden Pheasant. ;=) 

There's a big overlap between CSRG and HMSA membership. CSRG usually has
a big party at their closing event of the season. Thunderhill is pretty
damned remote, tho. It would be interesting to get the attendance from
each afterwards. Both should be fun events.

n wrote:
> I'm going to be in Northern Cal 10/13 to 15 and can stay over the weekend.
> I notice that the schedule in Victory lane shows a CSRG Thunderhill in
> Willows and an HMSA club event at Laguna Seca.
> Can anyone give me more info about either.  I can arrange my schedule to
> either fly to LA on Sunday night, or drive from San Fran to LA via Laguna S.
> late Sunday.
> Thanks in advance for your info.
> Norm Sippel
> '66 MGB - made it back from Summit Pont under its own power

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