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Re: The time I blew off tech

To: "Malcolm Cox" <>, <>
Subject: Re: The time I blew off tech
From: "wtmitchell" <>
Date: Mon, 4 Oct 1999 08:41:34 -0700
Thank you for your comments on not blowing off the tech inspector any more.
I have always enjoyed my contact with you at VARA races and have never felt
you were blowing my crew off.  We are all knowledgeable Engineers, mechanics
or very technical people and it takes a lot to dispose of our comments in an
offhand manner.  We are only trying to make you aware of potential problems
we have seen before in many different types of motorsport.  It was a
pleasure to talk to you this past weekend at  HSR West Willow and to watch
your race until you had another unconnected failure.
Wayne Mitchell, Chief of Tech, VARA,  Inpector for HSR West.

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