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Duesenberg engine

Subject: Duesenberg engine
From: (Chris Kantarjiev)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 1999 10:30:27 -0700
I stopped by their pits Sunday morning as we were waiting for the
fog to lift. He was certainly in good spirits - and had a nice display.
In one corner was the box full of thin cast iron bits that used 
to be the bottom end of the sump and block. But most impressive
was the half crankshaft, with three complete rod/piston 
assemblies still attached, sitting upright on the flywheel! 
The rods were bent at some interesting angles - one only 
a little in a smooth curve, one to almost 180 degrees with
a sharp king, and one about 90 degrees, but parallel to
the crank rather than perpendicular...

The fractured end of the crank did not show a lot of bright metal;
this break has been waiting to happen for a while. He wasn't
horribly surprised - the straight 8 engine runs in only 3 main
bearings, so there's a lot of whipping about ...

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