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Ford motor build spec

Subject: Ford motor build spec
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1999 16:19:12 -0400
I'm beginning to plan the build-up of a pre-crossflow Ford race engine, and
I'd appreciate advice and anecdotes as to a good spec to build to.  I have,
as a core, a brand new Ford 116E service engine, never run and fully dressed.

What can I keep, what do I thow away?  Can I use the crank and rods?  Who
does good pre-crossflow heads?  Can I do the head myself and get a good result?

What bore/stroke combinations work well?  What rev's should I build for,
what life can I expect?  I can run the engine as big as I like, the car was
originally run in the 2 litre class in Canada.

Who makes good intake manifolds, and are they critical?  I'll be running
dual 40 webers.

I guess what I'm looking for is where the 'sweet spot' in pre-crossflow ford
engines is...

Thanks, brian
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company

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