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Vintage Spirit

Subject: Vintage Spirit
From: (Rich & Liz Stadther)
Date: Tue, 20 Jul 1999 18:37:57 -0500
Dear Listers,

I, like many, check this list often but seldom contribute.  I'm doing so
now because one of the regular writers deserves special recognition.

Liz and I attended the GingerMan Formula Ford reunion and entered our Lotus
61 and Merlyn 11A.  Halfway through the Friday practice day, an outside
wheel bearing failed on the front of Liz's Lotus.

We looked all over South Haven and another nearby town in search of a
Triumph wheel bearing.  That evening Phil Cull, a Formula Vee driver,
suggested Vaughn Rockney and the Vintage Garage van. Vaughn saved the day
with a complete axle bearing set.  Liz was back on the track Saturday
morning.  The kicker is that Vaughn would not take money for the much
needed bearings.

The man behind the Vintage Garage web site ( is a
gentleman who truly has the vintage spirit!  Thanks again to Vaughn and his
dog Einstein.  It was a pleasure getting to know you.

Rich Stadther
Dreamsicle Racing

(And, wow!  Thanks for the "Car of the Meet" award, Vaughn! --Liz)

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