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re: Grattan? change

To: <>, <>
Subject: re: Grattan? change
From: "Joel Seguine" <>
Date: Mon, 19 Jul 99 15:59:46 EDT
Wm - There's that spot near the top of the hill before the left-hander onto 
the main straight where the springs on my late Sprite wanted to bottom out. 
 It's been a while - too long - but there was also a sort of hump about a 
third of the way along what I'd guess they mean by the back straight - the 
section after the banked turn?

Joel Seguine
News and Information Services
412 Maynard Street
University of Michigan
Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1340

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Original Text
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>, on 7/19/99 2:38 PM:
To all,

The press blurb in Victory Lane (Page 54... this is a highly endorsed
Team Thicko race) for the VSCDA's Au Grattan in August states that the
"bump" or "launch point" on the back straight has been removed.

Are we talking about the rise before the right hander leading into the
"essses"?  Anyone know?

Team Thicko

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