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Re: Filter By pass blocking

To: "Ric Bergstrom" <>,
Subject: Re: Filter By pass blocking
From: "Greg Solow" <>
Date: Sat, 17 Jul 1999 22:16:47 -0700
Blocking the oil filter by-pass valve is done different ways in different
cars depending on where it is located and how it is designed.  On a Tr-3 or
4 the bypass is located in the oil filter adaptor housing that bolts onto
the side of the block.  It is the spring loaded ball that is visible from
within the filter canister area when the canister and cartrige are removed.
To block it off completely the best way would be to remove the ball and
spring and install a threaded plug in the place of the ball valve thereby
permenantly plugging the hole and insuring that all of the oil goes through
the filter media all of the time.
    Some engines rely completly on the bypass valve built into the spin-on
filter that they use.  For those engines one would have to purchase a filter
without a built in by pass.  There are many such filters, but I do not have
the part numbers at hand.  The by-pass valves can be seen inside a new
filter just by looking.  The are either a cylindrical housing at the very
bottom center of the filter or are sometimes located concentrically to the
center hle of the filter and at the very top just underneath the threads.
When it is at the top, it is possible to see the spring that preloads the
valve shut just below the filter threads.

Regards, Greg Solow
----- Original Message -----
From: Ric Bergstrom <>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, July 17, 1999 4:21 PM
Subject: Filter By pass blocking

> >>>>The Oil filter "by pass" should, of course, be blocked
> shut so that it can not open and allow debris to "by pass" the
> filter
> element.<<<<
> How does one block it shut?  Buy racing filters or is there some
> neat trick?
> Speaking of filter.  Autozone has Bosch filter.  Never seen that
> before.  They say95% first pass efficiency.  Any good?
> Ric Bergstrom

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