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Jaguar XJS/XJ6 rear suspension specs and/or manual?

Subject: Jaguar XJS/XJ6 rear suspension specs and/or manual?
From: Bart Brown <>
Date: Thu, 15 Jul 1999 11:10:40 -0500

I'm building a semi-vintage car (street only, so no SVRAHSCVSCCHSR
eligibility hissy-fits, please), using (among other bits) the complete
rear suspension from a Jag XJSomething. Aside from buying Ye Compleate
Coventry Autonomicon Of Alle Thinges Jag-Yoo-Ar, Vols I through XVLCI,
vellum, bound in Moroccan Calf, can anyone suggest or advise a source
for dimensional data, wheel offsets, maintenance procedures, etc. for
this great beaste?

I'd ever so frafully chuffed!


Bart Brown

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