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Re: Mosport

Subject: Re: Mosport
From: mike <>
Date: Wed, 07 Jul 1999 23:51:23 -0400
Hi John:
In the VAY Special I also have 15" wheel & tires...boy what a difference
the 2" makes.

It's a huge amount of work to handle with the 13" shod cars.
In our race (you, me, flounder, Jeff Shur etc.) there were both Series I
and II Lotus 7s, the I's on 15" and the II's on 13"... racing with the
II's in the corners is a lot harder than the I's.

On the other hand,  Jeff's Climax powered Turner passed me on the back
straight...he went by me like he had another gear - it's just plain

I know Maura MacEachern is reading the list - Brian builds a fab motor.

Let's do it again next year.


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