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RE: BFG R1's or GForce?

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: BFG R1's or GForce?
From: "Haynes, Mark" <>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1999 12:47:16 -0600
Mark Haynes
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 23, 1999 9:04 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject:      Re: BFG R1's or GForce?
> In a message dated 99-06-23 07:56:33 EDT, you write:
> << 
>  I've been following the BFG R1 tire comments with interest.  I've been
>  running R1's on my MGB with pleasing results.  Are we all talking about
> the
>  OLD R1's? Aren't they discontinued in favor of the new GForce radials?  I
>  know some sizes are still available in the old type but for how long?
>  Apparently the new tires are completely different in design and working
>  pressures.  Does anybody have experience changing from the old R1's to
> the
>  new GForce tires?  My first set of R1's are going into their 3rd season
> and
>  still work well but I'll be looking for replacements soon.
>  Kelvin Palmer >>
> Kevin,
> The old R1s on my MGB are also in their 3rd season and while working okay
> are 
> (like yours) due for replacement soon.  The Tire Rack  has a web page that
> will give you alot of info on tires.  The old R1s are no longer available
> in 
> the 185-60-14" that I run.  I belive that G-force R1s are available on 
> special order.  I don't have the web page address handy, but you can find 
> their address in their ads in any of the good automotive magazines like
> Road 
> and Track or Car and Driver etc.
> Rod Schweiger
> '64 MGB Sebring Coupe?

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