> OK, who thinks they'll be capable of fielding a current technology F1
> car? heh heh heh, dreamer....
> It'll take a bunch of us just to watch it come off the trailer.
Nah - It would only take four of us to lift it - on its side - through the
narrow door. These days we don't even have to worry about the oil and
petrol dribbling out. Patrick's in - just need two more.
The problem is working out what all seven of Jackie's mechanics are
upto... One to make sure all the sponsors stickers are in place. A heath
and saftey guy to make sure ear and eye protection is being worn. A couple
for crowd control. I guess there's no need to blip the throttle - just
place the system into 'start and warm' mode and click 'GO'. Ok - we'll
need to nick the laptop as well.
The trick is not to start it in hot weather in Australia and to get a move
on and some air through the radiatiors once its going. Either that or flip
some steaks on the engine covers and open some beers.