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Re: Starter Motors Part 3

To: Patrick Young <>
Subject: Re: Starter Motors Part 3
From: Derek Harling <>
Date: Tue, 08 Jun 1999 17:48:32 -0400
This has nothing to do with with starting ANY kind of car - but since
you are called Patrick and talking about a Scot - I also learned this
weekend that St Patrick was an Englishman. Since I'm English I hope I
can remember this fact next March!! I was told this by a Welshman. THIS


Patrick Young wrote:
> Derek,
> No need to stand corrected at all, JYS makes a valid point but it's just
> that JYS tends to be a bit too much of a modernist and fails to appreciate
> the ingenuity of the historic racing fraternity ;-)
> Couldn't agree more, he is a very knowledgeable and eloquent speaker, both
> in private and public. Can be very funny too.
> Regards,
> Patrick

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