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Re: Would BMC have done this in 1955/56?

To: "Jim & Ann Brown" <>
Subject: Re: Would BMC have done this in 1955/56?
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:25:46 -0400
As memory serves, Clive Trickey used to tow his Mini7 racer, (on a trailer)
with an 850 Mini Traveller.  He stopped when the whole lot spun 360 degrees
at low speed when tooting along in a rain storm.

Story was told in "Building and Racing an 850 Mini", a classic book on car
preparation in the later 60's.

I used to tow my 1967 Cooper S, in a converted 1972 house-trailer (which was
still a pretty complete house trailer that had a big door in back that the
car slid up thru) with a 1971 Mercedes 280SEL(big long 4 door sedan with
fuel injected 6 cylinder engine).  I think the trailer outweighed the car by
double, and it wouldn't go over 55 mph without starting a terminal shimmy!


At 01:15 PM 4/27/99 -0400, you wrote:
>Marvelous story.  It reminded me that either 'Classic and Sports Car' or
>'Thoroughbred and Classic Cars' has a regular feature on vintage towing
>vehicles towing vintage cars, when they can come up with an interesting
>combination.  Perhaps another gentle lister can remember which it is.  I
>have mailed my back issues to an out-of-state friend.  I would think they
>would snap up a photo and publish it.  This fascinating combination of LBCs
>would be ideal for that feature.
>Off to the Texas World Speedway for the CVAR May vintage madness this
>Jim Brown
>'48 Bentley Special
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Andrew Pursey <>
>To: British-Cars (E-mail) <>; Morris (E-mail)
>Date: Tuesday, April 27, 1999 7:51 AM
>Subject: Would BMC have done this in 1955/56?
>>Last weekend I succumbed to a severe attack of total lunacy and
>demonstrated to
>>Australians that an Englishman, with English cars, can be a complete
>>I was racing my 1955 Morris Oxford at Eastern Creek Raceway in a State
>>Championship event - that is eccentric enough, but worse was to follow.  I
>>decided that I needed a different tow vehicle and so my 1956 Morris Isis
>>pressed into service to tow the race car and trailer - and I have the
>photos to
>>prove it if anybody is interested.  The towing regulations here have just
>>changed, so the combination is actually legal (but maybe not sensible).
>>The effect on my fellow road users was quite interesting as I made the 15
>>trip from home to track on Saturday - never have I seen so many expressions
>>sheer incredulity.  When I arrived at the race track I became the target
>>every humorist in existence, fortunately it was all quite friendly.  On
>>after racing I did the decent thing and waited for darkness before heading
>>- actually, I didn't want the police to spot the cars as I felt that the
>>conversation could have been quite time-consuming.
>>The racing?  Well we did have one Morris Oxford and two Morris Majors
>>together in very very close company for several laps until I pressed a
>>harder and thus achieved a podium finish to come in second, behind a 1957
>>I doubt if anybody in BMC back in the 50s would have tried such a towing
>>combination, but I am happy to be proven wrong.  Anybody out there tried a
>>really unusual towing combo - and lived to tell the tale?
>>...regards...Andrew "Axeman" Pursey....1955 Morris Oxford (racing in Group
>>pre'58 Classic Saloons) and 1956 Morris Isis (almost a daily driver and now
>>classic tow car).
Brian Evans
Director, Global Sales
UUNET, An MCI WorldCom Company

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