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Denise McCluggage book

To: "Vintage Race List" <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Denise McCluggage book
From: "Tony Clark" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 1998 20:26:38 -0600
Someone wrote:

>(If you haven't read her collection of essays, "By Brooks too Broad
>for Leaping", stop what you're doing and order a copy.

I'll do it!    It's the least I can do for someone whose "line" I used  for

She was asked at some Sebring what it was like practicing out there with 4.9
Ferraris and such while driving a tiny 750 cc Osca.

She said:  "I'm spending all my time looking for a line that nobody else

Does everyone know about her website at ?

(who once shared practice at Mansfield, LA in a F Vee with Bill Steele in
his Formula one Cooper.)   =8-0

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