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Race car search

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Race car search
Date: Tue, 29 Dec 1998 12:46:28 EST
To all members:
I am curious about the fate of a couple of race cars I owned and drove in the
60s and 70s in SCCA CenDiv events -- sentimental curiosity, I suppose.  I hope
that one or both might survive as they were pretty well prepared cars and may
well have evolved into vintage racers (one was virtually that, even then). 

The cars were an MGA and an MGB, both painted in Pepsi Cola blue, red and
white livery and raced under Pepsi sponsorship, though when I sold the MGB it
was plain blue.  They were prepared to E and F production specs and the MGB
got factory support and Huffaker help.  British Leyland's competition
department preferred that I never raise the issue of the MGA as it was long
out of production.  My wife and I raced both cars several years.  I sold the
MGB in 1976 in Stamford Connecticut, where we then lived, to a new racer from
New York.  The MGA was sold in 1973 or '74 after I pranged it in a collision
during a national race at IRP; I don't remember who bought it.  Both cars had
been professional built and maintained and I was unduly attached to the MGA,
though it wasn't anything the race car that the MGB was.

If anyone knows about these cars, particularly if they are raced today, I
would be very interested in hearing from you.

Happy motoring and Happy New Year.
Tom Butters

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