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Re: require testimonials before doing business

To: Daniel Thompson <>
Subject: Re: require testimonials before doing business
From: Susan and John Roper <>
Date: Fri, 20 Nov 1998 22:35:04 -0600
I have not done business with him, but his reputation is that the cars that
he offers are pricey for the actual condition.  If you cannot ascertain true
condition yourself, use someone to advise you, as condition has much to do
with value.  John

Daniel Thompson wrote:

> I would like to hear from some fellow list members as to their
> (personal) opinion of a gentleman by the name of Mark Evans and his
> organization "The New England Classic Car Company". I am considering
> making a purchase from him/them and am asking for references.
> I do not need anyone to tell me that they would like for their sister to
> marry him etc., but if anyone has heard of any reason why I should steer
> clear please let me know.
> Appreciate it,
> Daniel T.

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