+ Can anyone help me? I am looking for Banjo bolts, 5/16-24. I have
+ contacted suppliers that carry Banjos, but I haven't found one that
+ that size. This is for an external oil feed on a Triumph head (TR6 in
+ particular). The bolt that came with the kit was made out of aluminum and
+ broke after a couple of remove/refit sessions. I don't want to pay another
+ fifty bucks for another kit. Any source recommendations would be very
+ helpful. Thanks everybody,
Here are the web sites of two British companies that specialise in race
preparing classic (British) sports cars. They might be able to help you:
Cambridge M'sports: http://dialspace.dial.pipex.com/cambridge.motorsport
Racetorations: http://www.racetor.force9.co.uk/
Racetorations might be the better bet since they are Triumph
Good luck!