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From: (thom kuby)
Date: Sun, 23 Aug 1998 21:51:19 -0700 (PDT)
>Once upon a time long ago there were PORSCHE  formula cars, Has anyone seen
>any recently?? They should have ALL been at Laguna Seca!

Michael, (and to whom else this may...)

yes, there were Porsche Formula Cars @ Monterey.  Ferry Porsche was never a=
 fan of F1 efforts as He didn't see where such effort would ever enhance the=
 company bottom line, like  production car racing efforts in other arenas=
 would...despite that, Dan Gurney managed to pick up one F1 victory in (62?)=
 I believe, when he and Joachim Bonnier were teamed up...but, thats' not all=

Porsche also went on to build/support an Indy car program in the late 80s=
 (with Teo Fabi and John Andretti et al as drivers) as well as another f1=
 effort under the TAG-McLaren banner...Along with the earlier cars of the=
 early 60s, The Quaker State Indy Car and the TAG-McLaren car were both on=
 display at Monterey...of all these efforts, the TAG F1 effort ("engines=
 only"; the way I understand it...) was by far the most successful.  At=
 Monterey, neither the Quaker State car or the TAG car made it out onto the=
 track for parade laps, but the two earlier formula cars did however.

So, the answer is yes...the Porsche Formula (open-wheeled) effort was=
 actually well represented at Laguna Seca ...

its quite late as I write this - so I'll stop, I really don't want to=
 "misspeak"  and overstep the facts, as I understand them

And...I just remembered this: there was ANOTHER Indy car effort that never=
 quite got off the ground - this was the Interscope car that was bankrolled=
 by a Ted Fields...This program never really got anywhere and this car now=
 lives in the Porsche museum (I think- once again, its late and I could be w=

Thom Kuby

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