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Re: Harrington Photography

To: Alexander Joseph H <>
Subject: Re: Harrington Photography
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 15:22:10 -0400
snipped stuff
>Alexander Racing
>If you see Mike Rosen, ask him when he going to send me a piece of the
>Canadian forest. Not that I am anxious or anything. 
Major problems with the trophies, Alex.  It seems the trophies are made of
beautifully finished pine, and as such come under the NAFTA section on
softwood lumber exports.  As you are no doubt aware, being the politically
astute guy that you certainly must be, Canada has been banned from exporting
softwood to the US, since we were accused of "dumping" the stuff at below
market prices.  We protested, arguing that we had in fact strived mightily
to beat you, and the other American racers, in each and every race, but
they, hearing of our normal and formidable prowess in all forms of
motor-racing (Jacques has to take some of the blame here) ruled that we had
thrown the races with the express intent of shipping valuable softwood to
the US in violation of the ban!  

Mike may have further option appears to be to have the trophies
photocopied and faxed to you - it seems that there's no ban on killing trees
if you make paper out of them.  We'll work it out, though...

Cheers, Brian

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