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Re: Lotus 41 Restoration

To: "Tony Clark" <>, <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Lotus 41 Restoration
From: (Kiyoshi Hamai)
Date: Sun, 14 Jun 1998 20:59:46 -0700
Thanks for asking! I'm feeling very fortunate/lucky. I was limping
yesterday after the shunt, and was in some pain last evening. There was
some major swelling and I went to have some X-rays taken today which showed
a fractured fibula (smaller of the two bones in the shin/calf). So, I'll be
sporting a cast and crutches for a while... Obviously, it could have been a
lot worse!!!


At 10:44 PM 6/14/98 -0500, Tony  Clark wrote:
>Oh No!    Sorry!   Are you all right?
>> From: Kiyoshi Hamai <>
>> To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
>> Subject: Lotus 41 Restoration 
>> Date: Sunday, June 14, 1998 10:18 PM
>> To All,
>> I'm looking for parts for a Lotus 41. Due to a major shunt this
>weekend I
>> am looking at major ground up restoration and any parts are of
>interest to
>> me. Although I haven't fully assessed the damage it's clear that
>> chassis needs either total replacement or major restoration, left
>> suspension (all), just for starters. 
>> Thanks,
>> Kiyoshi Hamai
>> email:

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