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Re: My First Vintage Race

To: "David A. Anderson" <>
Subject: Re: My First Vintage Race
From: mike jackson <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 19:28:07 -0700
You are most welcome, we were thrilled to have you.  Would be thrilled
to have more new or old racers come join us for some SCCA vintage fun.

by the way, how'd you like that inverted start pursuit race?  Fun, eh?

Mike and Sandy Jackson, Devin and Beach FV

David A. Anderson wrote:
> Hooray, I finally did my first vintage race, at the Sebring SCCA event last 
>weekend.  I had a ball and want to thank those who helped me accomplish my 
>goal.  Steve Piantieri, and Robert Pease who shared their paddock space with 
>me and coached me through the lines at Sebring, Tom Turner, who was my Alfa 
>Romeo exclusive instructor at the last Daytona school, and the  Central 
>Florida SCCA Region Vintage group for extending their hospitality to 
>me.......thanks everyone!

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