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Re: Insurance

To: (Kiyoshi Hamai)
Subject: Re: Insurance
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jun 1998 15:45:34 -0400
Thanks for the info, and to the others that replied.  But it appears that as
I, and the car, are in Canada, US insurers can't/won't cover it.  I'm
chasing one lead, but any Canucks with insurance ideas?


At 03:31 PM 6/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>Parrish insurance is still in biz and going strong. Bill's son is now
>running it and really has been for the better part of the last two years!
>Kiyoshi Hamai
>At 02:26 PM 6/11/98 -0400, you wrote:
>>With respect and regrets to Bill Parish's friends and family...
>>I was planning to call Bill to arrange insurance for my new race car, when I
>>heard that he had passed away.  Does anybody know who to call now?  Has
>>anyone taken over the business that he used to write, or are there other
>>choices that could be recommended?
>>Regards, Brian Evans

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