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Re: Mosport

To: "Jack W. Drews" <>
Subject: Re: Mosport
From: Jim Hayes <>
Date: Mon, 01 Jun 1998 23:30:27 -0400
Jack W. Drews wrote:
> I always figured that Cannucks had to be very hardy folks, what with the
> winter weather and all.

Not to mention torrential rain, hail, threats of tornadoes, etc!
Kudos to VARAC for a great event. My only complaint was too much track
time - I wore out all my tires. 
The hospitality was top notch, racing competitive and the officiating
was well done. Esp. the good-looking brunette in turn 2a (ah, being a
dirty old man sure is fun!)
I really like my trophy for 1st in class in the enduro (and since it
says "first", not first in class, in case I get, ahem, forgetful, in my
old age...)
Spread the word that it's a great event. 
And about the rumor that Mike Rosen is taking up gardening, with all
those flower pots he's got...

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