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Conclave 98 / DMH 100 Grille Badge

To: healeys@Autox.Team.Net, british-cars@Autox.Team.Net,
Subject: Conclave 98 / DMH 100 Grille Badge
Date: Sun, 31 May 1998 20:12:39 EDT
Just wanted to let all you Healeyites that ordered the Conclave 98 / DMH 100
Grille Badges know that we received the first production sample yesterday and
it looks fabulous.  We will give them approval to run production tomorrow
morning and that means we can expect delivery within three to four weeks.  The
labels and boxes are sitting poised to get them out to you as soon as we
receive them.  You should have them in late June to early July.  

Thanks for your patience but the waiting will be well worth it.

Thanks again to all of you that ordered over the Internet.  It gave us a good
idea of how popular this badge is going to be.

NOW if you go to  
</A>  you'll find a Healey Wings Neon that the South East Michigan Austin
Healey Club will be raffling off this Fall at the Fall Round Up in the Dayton
Ohio area.  It was so well received the first time we raffled it that we
decided to have another one made this year.

I will post the list of States that responded to the Grille Badge offer.. AND
THE WINNER IS!!!!!!!  Well you'll have to wait until I tally the count.  

Talk at you guys later
Ron Mitchell
Web Master, Conclave 98 

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