As of Sunday May 3 the Tustin races are probably going to happen but,
the date is not known to me.
Los Angeles race is going to happen definetly. This event will be a bit
different this year. The location will change and will be near the Coloseum.
It will be on city streets. the course should be about 1.5 - 1.7 miles.. It
will be in conjunction with a NASCAR race...
Check out VARA's www page for the latest.
Subject: L.A. races in Sept.?
Author: < > at INTERNET
Date: 05/07/98 08:37 AM
Does anyone know if the downtown L.A. VARA races
are definitely cancelled for Labor Day weekend?
I heard that the Tustin race is also no longer a VARA event.
What are the VARA events scheduled for the June, July, and August.
Santa Monica
Karim Marouf
Canon Communications LLC
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