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Helmet, please help!

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Helmet, please help!
From: Andy Ramm <>
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 1998 10:05:57 -0800
I ordered an SA95 aproved helmet so I can take the CSRG
school this weekend at Sears Point.  I paid in advance and
Lorry from HAT Racing in San Rafael swore up and down it
would be here Wednesday, Thursday at the VERY latest.  If it
wasn't he promised he'd loan me his personal helmet.  Well,
it didn't get here yesterday and today they are inexplicably

So, unless I can come up with an approved helmet, I'm
screwed.  My M-rated motorcycle helment won't be accepted.

Can anyone help by   a. selling me a used helmet cheap, b.
loaning me a helmet for the event  c. telling me where I can
beg, borrow, steal, connive or abscond with an approved


'67 MGB-GT CSRG #111

Andy Ramm
A silver face in a tweed world.
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