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RE: F1 Television Coverage - FWIW

To: DWhitesdJr <>,
Subject: RE: F1 Television Coverage - FWIW
From: Alexander Joseph H <>
Date: Tue, 10 Mar 1998 08:25:04 -0600
I like to follow F-1, but you are correct in a sense. It is NOT terribly
exciting and a bit heartbreaking to see the outcome orchestrated.

I wonder what they will do next after the 17% reduction of tire tread.

It never has been much of a spectator sport for me, in any case.

More of an addiction.

(I have been to F-1, Indy 500, and CART....then I go home and rerun the
video tape to get the best of it)

More fun to be directly involved in however limited way that I can.

ergo, vintage racing.

TR4 #197

>       IMHO you did not miss a lot by not seeing it. 
>       It was a big yawn from start to finish. No dicing.
>       Just 1 and 2 and a   B I G   gap back to 3rd. 
>       Only nine of the 22 entrants finished. And Coulthard 
>       slowed down on the finish line to let Hakkanen win.
>       According to the press, the two of them made a deal 
>       that who ever was in the lead at the end of the first 
>       lap would get to cross the finish line first (assuming 
>       either of them got that far).
>       When asked about the lack of value for spectators, the 
>       "winner" (by default) said words to the effect that 
>       "the spectators didn't matter". I, for one, was extremely 
>       pissed off by that arrogant and thoughtless comment.
>       Climbs back down off soap-box.
>       Irritated
>       in Auckland

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