I understand Lenonard Arnold has the Mark I advertised in the Vintage
Messanger of the Rocky Mountain Vintage Racing club for $10K.
Also, the car "Dave" has for sale is NOT an N.T.M., although he states he
knows of the N.T.M. and it is still in Colorado. Sorry for the
Steve Bush wrote:
> The Mark I N.T.M is in Colorado and was for sale the last I heard. I have
> pictures and it is a very nice restoration. The last I heard, the owner
> wanted around $13K for the car. It is powered by a 833 cc (non-Honda)
> motorcycle engine. Contact Leonard Arnold (Phone: 970-353-4764 or FAX
> 970-346-0704)
> I believe one of the Mark II N.T.M. cars is also in Colorado and is for
> sale. It appears on the inside back cover of the December, 1997 Victory
> Lane. The ad says it is powered by a Cowsorth BDH and the asking price is
> $26K. The seller is Dave (Phone: 303-674-4641).
> Dr. Paul Meis <pmeis@bgsm.edu> can tell you about the Mark II he restored
> and the Mark III I
> restored. Both are Honda S-800 powered and in South Carolina.
> Let me know if you become a N.T.M. owner.
> Steve Bush
> Mark IV N.T.M. B/SR
> Derek Harling wrote:
> > I have been told that an NTM Honda powered sports racer was offered for
> > sale in Colorado area last year.
> >
> > Can anyone give me lead on this and whether it is still for sale or not?