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To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Motorhomes/monterey
From: (Thom Kuby)
Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 09:08:07 -0800 (PST)

This is primarily aimed at youse on the left coast...

Anybody with RV experience that knows Monterey? I could use some coaching here.

Does anyone around here know what the general scoop is on Motorhomes at
Monterey?  I'm trying to set one up to tow one of the Porsches up there for
the BIG WEEKEND this summer...My thinking was simply park the beast
somewhere "offsite" (somewhere outa the area...thereby bypassing those very
expensive hotel rooms) and driving around locally in the p-car

the questions:
- Snowball's chance in hell that I can park RV at Laguna proper?
- any one know of campgrounds, parking areas within reasonable distance to
track/Monterey/Pacific Grove etc etc? State beaches? anything really.
- Anybody ever gone this route? would it be more hassle than it's worth?
-Suppose size of RV would make any appreciable difference to anybody
besides occupants? (meaning parking would be restricted to "ClassC" RVs or
smaller? that sort of thing)  I don't intend to lumber around in this
thing, but to park and leave it for weekend...but if I knew that a certain
size works better than others, that would be an advantage (I think)

thanks loads...BTW, anyone around here have an RV I could use/rent for that
weekend? I'm a responsible guy-really

Thom Kuby

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