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Was: trailer stuff

Subject: Was: trailer stuff
From: "Edwin Smith" <>
Date: 07 Jan 98 08:54:26 -0800
Team Thicko dude wrote:

What's the "gold chain per capita"?

Perspiring minds want to know...

Actually, the track is a great equalizer......the gold chain contingent
DISPLAYS and POSES, they don't get down and risky so the social environment
is quite pleasant.  Like vintage, it tends to group by car and model, 911
guys hang together, 944 guys hang.....just like you have the Alfa and Morgan
ghettos at a vintage event.....course, there are the SCCA Pro and IMSA types
with FIA licenses who will cop the occasional attitude(present company
excluded,of course)....    
(non denominational, equal opportunity racer.....will race just about
anything with 2 wheels or more regardless of race, creed, country of origin
or date of manufacture.....)

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