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To: MORAMAC <>, vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: SVRA
Date: Mon, 22 Dec 1997 21:03:06 -0500
SVRA does still exist, as far as I know.  Its owner, Peter McGlaughlin,
has moved it and, I understand, closed the offices in the meantime.  Don't
know when they'll reopen. 

OTOH, no one I've talked to has had any communication from SVRA, but two of
our list members, Jack Woehrle and Carl Jensen, work with/run SVRA.  Can
you guys provide more info?


At 06:34 PM 12/22/97 EST, you wrote:
>Does anyone know whether the SVRA still exists, and , if so, where are they
>located and who is running it?

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