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Re: 'Twas The Night..........

To: "Mordecai Dunst" <>, <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: 'Twas The Night..........
From: "Gerald Brazil" <>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 1997 07:34:31 -0500
You really know how to brighten our day Morti! That is the secret nightmare
that haunts us all.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mordecai Dunst <>
To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Monday, December 15, 1997 5:33 PM
Subject: 'Twas The Night..........

>     Thought as USERS you would all enjoy this.
>     'Twas the night before Christmas when all through the house,
>     Not a peripheral was stirring, not even a mouse;
>     The modem was hung by the keyboard with care
>     In hopes that a download soon would be there.
>     The pirates were nestled all snug in their beds
>     While visions of unprotects danced in their heads.
>     And Ma in her kerchief, and I in my cap,
>     Had just settled down for a long winter's nap
>     When up on the hard drive there arose such a clatter,
>     I sprang from the bed to see what was the matter!
>     Away to the monitor I flew like a flash
>     Sat down at the keyboard, gave the spacebar a mash.
>     The sight on the screen, a'flicker with snow,
>     Gave the luster of power surge to the menu below.
>     When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
>     but an autoexec.bat that seemed rather queer.
>     With a little print driver so lively and quick
>     I knew in a moment I had seen a new trick!
>     More rapid than eagles my cursor it came;
>     my voice box whistled, and shouted, and called me by name.
>     "Now format, now rename, now copy, and enter!
>     On num lock, on caps lock, on scroll lock and printer!
>     To the top of the page, to the top of the doc,
>     now tab it and hold it and merge it and block."
>     As utilities that build up the CPU speed
>     Clash with just the programs I need
>     So up to the screen top the cursor it flew
>     With a RAM full of memory and an extension board too.
>     And the, in a twinkling I heard on the speaker,
>     The grinding of the hard drive growing much weaker.
>     As I tried to reboot and turn it around
>     The attributes changed from blue into brown.
>     I hit the control, the alt, the delete.
>     The message it gave me, I cannot repeat.
>     It asked me to ignore, retry or abort.
>     It told me the parallel had become the comm port.
>     Its lights how they twinkled; its pixels how merry.
>     Its prompts were all scrambled, like a bowl full of cherries.
>     It sounded just like it wanted to blow;
>     the screen was suddenly white like the snow.
>     It scrolled the directory before my very eyes
>     With programs I did not even recognize.
>     It wouldn't see D, It wouldn't see E
>     I couldn't get out of B into C.
>     Norton's tried to read it;
>     It finally found the FAT;
>     But alas, the disk was faulty,
>     and could not reformat.
>     Away flew the DBase;
>     Away flew the DOSes;
>     Away flew the Wordperfect
>     Right out with the Windows.
>     The spreadsheets were spreading;
>     The footers were heading;
>     What once had been memory
>     Was close to forgetting.
>     When the grinding was over
>     And the smoke had all cleared,
>     I looked at the unit
>     And it was just as I'd feared.
>     The 40 Meg wonder had crashed in the night.
>     I'll never be able to block out that sight!
>     So tell everyone to avoid my plight.....
>     Back up! Back up! Merry Christmas, and good night!

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