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Preservation class

Subject: Preservation class
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 1997 17:45:54 -0500 wrote:
>     Could you tell us more about this preservation class? I have heard only
> good things about it. My humble suggestion to this end would be a cutoff of
> about 1965, allowing in some fun cars that aren't hugely expensive, but still
> keeping some sanity in driving and preparation. Oh, I think the cars must be
> street licensed too.
VSCCA came up with the idea based on feedback that some classes were
getting too competitive for members who still drove their cars on the
street and wanted to be able to race like the 50s. So it's simply for
50s era cars (postwar? - to distinguish it from the prewar class, which
has good turnouts at many VSCCA events), street legal, lapping LRP  at
less than 1:20. People do drive to the track, clean out the car, go
racing, pack up and drive home!
There are no prohibitions on perparation, just laptimes at LRP to cover
performance, and no rollbar or fuel cell is required (a VSCCA feature.)
My '57 has a rollbar (under its neat Pinin Farina steel hardtop), and I
have replaced the sagging 40 year old stock springs with slightly
stiffer ones, Koni Shocks, and have been running Michelin XVS 155R15
radials. Lap times are over 1:20, but with about 65 HP and those rock
hard radials, whaddaya expect! We've had some great dices with Ed
Hyman's 356, Healeys, MGs. etc. Just like the good old days.

Jim Hayes  Winchester, MA, USA    
All generalizations, with the possible exception of this one, are false!

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