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Re: Savannah Historics

To: der_kafer <>
Subject: Re: Savannah Historics
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Tue, 21 Oct 1997 15:52:23 -0400
At 02:01 PM 21/10/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Does anyone know if the Savannah Historics is a "spectator" event. Three
>calls to the HSR answering machine --- and nothing back --- leads me to
>think I've left this too late.

I don't think so, but you might be able to sneak in, or get someone to put
you on as crew.  There is no real spectator areas at Rob. Road, but you can
wander around in the paddock and get great viewing!
>Also, I understand the race is at Roebling Road (I assume near Savannah)
>but I've never attended a race at that venue. Can someone give me
>cursory directions (direction/distance from Savannah, etc.) to the

About 20 minutes north of the center (old Savannah waterfront area) of
Savannah on the waterfront, take the main road, turn right at a gas station
- there's a sign. follow it on in.  There's a web site somewhere with track
description, driver comments, direction etc, but I've lost the URL.  Great
dining in the tourist section of old Savannah!

>Thanks for any help! 
My pleasure.  brian evans

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