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Re: Mini' ready to go

Subject: Re: Mini' ready to go
From: Dennis Murphy <>
Date: Thu, 25 Sep 1997 15:36:12 -0500 (CDT)
At 08:21 AM 9/25/97 -0400, you wrote:
>Hello All
>The Mini is finally ready to I just need some place to go...can
>anyone tell me whats my best bet to get some track time before the season is
>over, I am located in Boston. To date the only events that I have run are
>with COM & EMRA  at Limerock an NHIS, but the dates they have left open don't
>match my business travel. Is there a vintage race or other open race that I
>can run without an scca licence, or possibly a test day at one of the tracks.
>Any help on this one will be greatly appreciated.
>Thanks David


VSCDA is running at Indianapolis Raceway Park on 10/10, 11 & 12. There is
also an open practice day available on Thursday, 10/9. The best part is a
tour of the track at the Speedway in your race car or street car (no trucks)
on Saturday!

Call Judy Cull @ 616-949-8281 for info.

I'm scrambling to get the Jag back together in time!
Dennis Murphy
Elgin Sweeper Co

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