I'm pleased to announce that in celebration of 50 years of LOTUS. Lotus
will be the featured marque at the 1998 VARAC Vintage Festival. The event
is held at Mosport Park (outside of Toronto) - site of the recent Labour
Day WSC and Trans Am event. The tentative date for the event is June 5-7
1998. It hoped that as many as possible competition open or closed wheel
Loti (or Lotus powered cars) will be able to attend. I wonder how many of
each model number would attend. It would be great to see some 19's and
maybe a real 30 or 40. We will be approaching the local Lotus Clubs to
help arrange trackside events.
Please contact me if you require additional information or monitor the
VARAC WEB Site (http://www.varac.ca
Chris Harwood
VARAC Secretary
70 Europa S2 Type 54