We have found the flat spotting happens only when they are hot. If you =
do a good cool off lap or elevate the car when you come in the problem =
goes away. Leakage is a definite problem. Pump up once a week or put =
the car on jack stands for storage. Hoosiers are very predictable and =
are much easier to drive than radials. Goodyears are almost as good, =
but more expensive and a bit less forgiving. We buy our Hoosiers from =
Bob Woodman at the track and order them in advance.
Pat Ryan
S800Racer@aol.com wrote:
> The grip and feel is excellent and they are very
> forgiving. Other drivers have also told me the Hoosiers have lasted a =
> time for them. The only real criticism that I know of is that the =
> develop a sort of "flat spot" while the car is parked. It goes away =
> one or two laps, but when you first go out on the track it feels like
> something is broken. Overall, I am very impressed with the Hoosiers =
so far.
Jim Hayes wrote:
I use the vintage TD 500X15 bias tire and they are great! Lots of grip
and very easy to drive (conpared to Comp T/A R1s) a characte4ristic of
bias tires.
The tires do flat spot, so I suggest you not leave them on the car
between races. It is another characteristic of bias tires (bet most of
you don't even remember them!). The bbumping goes away on the warmup
Another Hoosier idiosyncracy is they leak like crazy. Check pressure
daily! THat is what keeps them from being left on the car for a few