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Re: Vintage, sticking to Concours

Subject: Re: Vintage, sticking to Concours
Date: 21 Jul 97 10:33:02 -0700
Content-Type:text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

"No, nor does it make you an expert who can pontificate about other drivers 
reasoning......At worst, pack up and go home.I've done so when I saw that so=
drivers with "get another shell on Monday" cars were using Italian doors to 
get a bank shot thru the turns at Willow Springs in 1976 - and that was a 30=
mile tow for me! By the same token, there were other drivers with the exact 
same dispose-a-cars that valued their cars AND their skills and were a 
pleasure to share a corner with. It's all a matter of attitude, and you soon=
learn which drivers you can trust. Your "Concours" comment to Mr Smith is 
beneath contempt. 
Jarl de Boer" 
I agree with your sentiments that express exactly the point I was trying to 
make in my original post.......thanks, 


Date: 18 Jul 97 20:32:37
From:"Jarl&Carol <>" <>
Subject:Vintage, sticking to Concours
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Content-Type:text/plain; charset="us-ascii" wrote:

> Oh really now? What would your opinion be if other people decided that YOU
> didn't have enough invested either emotionally or financially in YOUR car??
> Maybe the Ferrari guys don't want the likes of a lowly Corvette running with
> their expensive Italian iron. Get my drift?? You need to get a grip on
> yourself. Racing is and always has been a dangerouis sport. Cars get smashed
> and people get hurt. If you're that concerned about your car, perhaps you
> should stick to concours.
> Sheree Wegeng
> '73 914

Wonderful, now we are back to insulting each other's cars! Your
signature indicates you run one of those cars that are Volkswagens in
the rest of the world except in the USA - where they were sold as
Porsches - while your AOL address indicates you're into Bimmers. Does
that make you any better or worse than anybody else? No, nor does it
make you an expert who can pontificate about other drivers reasoning.
After more than 200 vintage races, my opinion is that there is NO
substitute for just gauging the skills and behavior of the other drivers
in the field during the early practices. If you don't like the way
someone ahead of you drives, BACK OFF, don't dice with them, and stay
out of their way. If you have to get by, pick a long straight and get
enough speed to get by quickly. If you can't do that, relax and enjoy a
safe run and resolve things afterward. At worst, pack up and go home.
I've done so when I saw that some drivers with "get another shell on
Monday" cars were using Italian doors to get a bank shot thru the turns
at Willow Springs in 1976 - and that was a 300 mile tow for me! By the
same token, there were other drivers with the exact same dispose-a-cars
that valued their cars AND their skills and were a pleasure to share a
corner with. It's all a matter of attitude, and you soon learn which
drivers you can trust. Your "Concours" comment to Mr Smith is beneath
Jarl de Boer


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