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Re: Vintage tyres

Subject: Re: Vintage tyres
From: Brian Evans <>
Date: Wed, 2 Jul 1997 10:46:25 -0400
 In a message dated 97-06-30 11:29:07 EDT, you write:
> << CSRG allows me to run Yokohamas >>
> Malcom;
> Technically, if they're A008s, they're not permitted by CSRG (no asymetric
> tread patterns allowed).  If you've been running A008s, you've skated by.
>  But other comparable tires are...Toyo, BFG, Hoosier, etc....FYI.   The new
> rules also say no tires with 0 treadwear ratings (excludes the new Hoosier
> radials).
> Myles

After a tremendous amount of soul searching, over literally three years of
trying out the options, I've decided that vintage racing means running the
cars pretty much as close as reasonable to the way the they were raced in
their "as new" period.  So when VARAC brought in their renewed emphasis on
original tires and I had to run 450L - 13's on my Midget, I first rebelled,
tried fatter tires, really liked them, put a 1275 engine in a 948cc
(originally) car, and had a blast.  Then, I reconsidered, put the 948 back
in and went back to the small tires.  I enjoyed the car more with the big
engine and tires, but couldn't continue to justify them to myself.  At our
VARAC festival in June, I ran fifth in the all MG race, out of a total of
about 35 cars, and I turned a best lap of about 1:57.  Last september, when
I ran the "big" car with the 1275 and the Formula Ford front tires, I turned
a 1:48 flat.  I guess 9 seconds is the price of originality.

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