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Re: Monterey Historics

Subject: Re: Monterey Historics
From: Simon Favre <>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 1997 10:37:01 PDT
Well, I just got a rejection letter, so they are going out.  ;=(

I was in the show last year and had a great time.  In spite of all the
negative comments about Steve Earle, he does put on a good event.  I
disagree about these being "parade" laps.  I run at the back of the
pack, and the front runners usually lap me at least once, often twice.
The racing between the front runners can be pretty close and exciting.
One year as a spectator I saw two pre-war Alfa Romeos going at it tooth
and nail, wheel to wheel lap after lap.  Where else are you going to see
an all-Bugatti grid for one heat when they weren't even the featured
marque?  Phil Hill was contending for the lead in that one.

Yes, you don't get much track time at the Historics, yes there are tons
of people, but so what?  It is a great spectacle.  It's also worth
noting that the Historics are one of very few loud weekends at Laguna.
Other clubs that run there have to meet tough sound regs.  Just how many
other vintage events are there at Laguna?  I only know of one, the SCCA
event.  CSRG doesn't run there, VARA runs at Sears Point when they come
up to N. Cal.  The only other events I know of are time trial format.

I also run the Wine Country Classic at Sears.  This was my 4th year
there.  In spite of the unusual May heat and my hay fever, I had a great
time.  The HMSA events are well run, partly because Steve Earle uses
SCCA turn workers and grid people.  They are the best.  I also like the
HMSA events because it is one of the few places I am not gridded with
much later cars.  In most vintage clubs, the early open wheelers have
been overrun with Formula Fords, or lumped in with sedans, which I like
even less.  I'd rather run with Formula Fords than Volvos.  At least
Steve Earle manages to get enough of the early cars to come out that we
can have a correct period grid.  This is true of most classes.

I only have one set of Borrani wire wheels for my car, so I run on the
Steve Earle tires all the time.  In an underpowered car like mine, on
narrow wheels, it doesn't make a fat lot of difference.  I'd still be
near the back looking for an Elva or BMC to dice with.  It's still fun.

>Has anyone received either an acceptance or rejection for Monterey
>Historics yet?

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