At 08:18 AM 26/06/97 -0400, you wrote:
>What kinds of things should I be looking at to cure hesitation coming
>out of corners with my vintage TR4? It happens at 3500 - 400 rpm, then
>it pulls fine.
What Kind of Carbs do you have?
Hesitation coming out of corners often comes from either a rich or lean
condition. Rich is often the case when the carbs are setup with too rich an
idle jet or emulsion tube and the engine loads up while off the throttle
going into the corner, but this is pretty rare. More often, the engine
isn't getting enough accelerator pump action and goes lean as you crack the
throttle. Going to larger pump jets or smaller bleed back jet can help.
With SU's, changing the needle profile or playing with the viscosity of the
oil in the dashpot damper can help - the damper causes an accelerator pump
effect. Also with SU's, remember that the real throttle is the piston, and
that at lower rpm's the piston is not fully open so the needle is working on
a different part of the profile than may be the case at high rpm's. So it's
possible to have the right mixture at high rpm and be way out at low rpm.
SU's are way tough to set up compared to Weber, in my opinion!