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RE: vintage race list?

To: "''" <>,
Subject: RE: vintage race list?
From: Alexander Joseph H <>
Date: Mon, 9 Jun 1997 13:03:49 -0500
Hi fellow vintage racers.

I checked the subscription list last week and there were only 8
subscribers listed. I tried to resubscribe and it would not accept. I
just now got two transmissions, so I think Bradakis has got us back in
business....or Garnett...or whoever has control of this list.

Good to be back  :-)

I missed everyone.

Joe #197

>Sent:  Monday, June 09, 1997 12:09 PM
>Subject:       Re: vintage race list?
>My mail stopped about a week ago.  This is the first mail from vintage-race
>since June 3.

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