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North East drivers

To: (Wheel-to-wheel )
Subject: North East drivers
From: "Roger Garnett" <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 1997 08:49:26 -0500
I've just aquired an SCCA H-prod Bugeye Sprite that was run in the 
Northeast, and last raced in '82. 

If anyone knows/knew of any of these previous owners, I'd like to hear from 

        Carl Corrin
        Jeff Nudi
        Karen and Gene Egger


 Roger Garnett  (
                  "The Wayward Sports Car Centre"
      "All donations of stray, orphaned, odd, neglected, etc.
       sports cars and bits in need of a good home accepted."
        "The drop off bin is right there- behind the barn..."

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