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Does Anyone Know of Dick Gilcrease? (race car designer)

To: <vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Does Anyone Know of Dick Gilcrease? (race car designer)
From: "Bill Ironside" <>
Date: Mon, 3 Feb 1997 22:19:41 -0600
I have recently located a vintage sports racer designed by Dick Gilcrease
around 1967 or 1968. I have an article written by him in a race magazine
which indicates he desigend a number of race cars "with moderate success"
and lived somewhere in the northeast (Boston area?). The car in question is
known as a "Cicada" and is a VW powered C sportrs racer. For some reason
his name seems very familiar to me as well as to Steve Francis at Main
Street Motorsport in New Milford CT {cc'd above}, who will hopefully help
with the restoration. Does anyone know of Dick or what cars he may have
designed? I have tried all my search engines to no avail and looked through
all my Vintage Motorsports with no mention. I just would like to get better
history on the car... if you know something, please let me know!

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  • Does Anyone Know of Dick Gilcrease? (race car designer), Bill Ironside <=