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Re: What is vintage racing

To: Jeremy Braithwaite <>
Subject: Re: What is vintage racing
From: Ian Peters <>
Date: Sun, 19 Jan 1997 15:51:01 +1030 (CST)
Hi Jeremy

> Does the US run historics under the FIA banner?

As far as I know we are all Max's boys (and girls)

If they aren't don't we loose our comp licenses for being on the same mail 
list :) lists two affiliated US bodies 

American Automobile Association
                        1000 AAA Drive,
                 HEATHROW, Florida 32746-5063


Automobile Competition Committee 
             For the United States. FIA. Inc.(ACCUS) 
                  1500 Skokie Boulevard, Suite 101
                   NORTHBROOK, Illinois 60062

> Check out our web site to see how well your body turned out. 

My body is just fine thank you. I'm not sure how to deal with your 
interest in it :-|  Luckily I'm 1500 km away.

> We're already
> under our lap record at Wakefield.

I delivered my Bowin last weekend, so watch out theres a new one around
over there.


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